30 Mar 2019


Nashville, TN (March 30, 2019) –  Wouldn’t

30 Mar 2019

Nashville, TN (March 30, 2019) –  Wouldn’t it be sweet to have one space where everything you need to songwrite is in one place? New project management platform SAYLA does just that. Built for organization and ease of use, SayLa allows you to keep up with your lyrics, voice memos and group messages without wasting time looking for files.

Created for artists, session players, videographers, lawyers, managers, agents, sound engineers, publishers and more, SayLa creates split sheets with minimal effort. The discovery tools that SayLa provides makes collaborating with colleagues a fun and hassle-free experience.

“We wanted to give artists, songwriters, producers and everyone involved in taking a song from conception to pitch a platform where they can all collaborate in an efficient and effective way,” CEO Cody Johnson explains. “We are songwriters, artists, and producers ourselves, so we created a platform that’s cost effective, built just for us, and adaptable to the ever changing landscape of the music industry.”

SayLa offers both free and paid subscription options. For more information, please visit www.sayla.life and connect with SayLa on Instagram.


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